23 aug. 2008

Jag har gjort det här testet...prova du också!
Känner faktiskt igen mig i resultatet :-)

Your result for The Perception Personality Image Test...

NBPS - The Idealist

Nature, Background, Big Picture, and Shape

You perceive the world with particular attention to nature. You focus on the hidden treasures of life (the background) and how that fits into the larger picture. You are also particularly drawn towards the shapes around you. Because of the value you place on nature, you tend to find comfort in more subdued settings and find energy in solitude. You like to ponder ideas and imagine the many possibilities of your life without worrying about the details or specifics. You are in tune with all that is around you and understand your life as part of a larger whole. You prefer a structured environment within which to live and you like things to be predictable.

3 kommentarer:

Buddas kryp in sa...

Jag har gett dig en utmaning.. Kolla i min blogg :-)


doktoranden sa...

Hi, hi, jag gjorde oxå testet. Och det stämde hyfsat bra på mig med. Hur är det möjligt?

doktoranden sa...

Jag är helt sock-frälst för tillfället. Mycket tack vare Nancy Bush. Du kommer att ha fullt upp hela hösten. Vilken tur att du köpt lite nya sockgarner... :)